Make a Payment
If you are ready to reserve your event or are making a progress payment towards your event, please review the policies below and proceed with making your payment.
Payment Terms:
Make a Payment
- Thank you for your desire to reserve M Lounge Events for your upcoming celebration.
- By making your minimum 50% rental deposit, you are officially securing the venue for your upcoming private celebration and once received, your event date will be made unavailable to the public.
- You further understand that if event is cancelled within 3 days of initial rental deposit receipt, 50% of that rental deposit will be refundable. If you desire to cancel event later than 3 days after deposit receipt date, no refund will be issued.
- Please note that M Lounge Events is for private events only. As such, there is to be absolutely no mention of scheduled events or M Lounge in any public social media outlet. Should it come to our attention that an event has been posted in any public medium or internet-based outlet to advertise the event, M Lounge will immediately cancel said event and all deposits received will be forfeited.
- If you are ready to make your payment to secure the venue for your private use, please press the payment button on the left to finalize your reservation.